Prof. Dr. Ziyuan Ouyang Scopus
Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: astrochemistry; geochemistry, meteoritics; lunar science; earth and planetary sciences
Prof. Dr. Zheng-Xiang Li
Website ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD
Curtin University, Australia
Research Interests: regional to global tectonics and paleogeography, paleomagnetism, and geodynamics; the relationships between major tectonic events, large mineralisation systems and major environmental/climate changes
Prof. Dr. Albert Galy Website ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD
CRPG - CNRS - Université de Lorraine, France
Research Interests: geochemistry; weathering; erosion; carbon cycle; mountains; cosmochemistry
Dr. Maria Gritsevich Website ResearcherID Scopus ORCiD
Finnish Geospatial Research Institute (FGI), Finland
Research Interests: solar system; NEOs; meteors; meteoroids; meteorites; light scattering; remote sensing
Prof. Dr. Marek Tulej
University of Bern, Switzerland
Research Interests: astrobiology; in situ chemical analysis; mass spectrometry; space instrumentation; geochemical analysis; isotope fractionation
Dr. Shaunna M. Morrison
Carnegie Institute for Science, United States
Research Interests: data-driven approaches to characterizing the coevolution of the geosphere and biosphere; applications of advanced analytics to Earth and planetary systems, with a particular emphasis in mineral relationships; martian mineralogy via surface missions (CheMin, NASA MSL) and meteorites; crystal chemical behavior and bonding systematics in minerals
Dr. Luc S. Doucet
Curtin University, Australia
Research Interests: geochemistry; igneous petrology; geodynamics
Prof. Dr. Long Xiao
China University of Geosciences, China
Research Interests: planetary geology; meteorites; space exploration; astrobiology; petrology
Prof. Dr. Alessandro Mura
Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali-INAF, Italy
Research Interests: planetology; solar wind/planets interaction; giant planets aurora
Prof. Dr. Xiaoping Zhang
Macau University of Science and Technology, China
Research Interests: lunar dust; cometary dust; lunar and martian space environment; cosmic rays and cosmogenic nuclides; planetary spectroscopy
Prof. Dr. Pál Sümegi
University of Szeged, Hungary
Research Interests: paleoclimatology; paleontology; climatology
Dr. Masaki N. Nishino
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Japan
Research Interests: lunar plasma environment; Earth’s magnetosphere; solar wind–planetary magnetosphere interaction; lunar exosphere; lunar missions
Prof. Dr. Ian M. Coulson
University of Regina, Canada
Research Interests: volcanology; planetary geology; igneous petrology
Prof. Dr. Zhiyong Xiao
Sun Yat-Sen University, China
Research Interests: impact cratering; impact chronology; planetary surface processes
Prof. Dr. Angelo De Santis
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV), Italy
Research Interests: earthquake prediction; geomagnetism; seismology; satellite data analysis
Prof. Dr. Yangting Lin
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: meteoritics; planetary science; SIMS analysis; deep space exploration
Dr. Jean-Louis Vigneresse
Université de Lorraine, France
Research Interests: theoretical chemistry; granite; ore generation; rheology; magmatism; earth sciences; HSAB- DFT
Prof. Dr. Stavro L. Ivanovski
INAF–Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italy
Research Interests: planetary science; planetary magnetospheres; dust dynamics
Prof. Dr. Ross Mitchell
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: Earth system science; supercontinent cycle; paleogeography; paleomagnetism; cyclostratigraphy; geodynamics
Prof. Dr. Karoly Nemeth
Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, Hungary
Research Interests: volcanology; natural hazard; geoheritage; geoconservation; geodiversity; sedimentology
Prof. Dr. Andrea Brogi
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
Research Interests: tectonics; structural geology; travertine; neotectonics; earthquake geology; fluid flow
Prof. Dr. David C Fernández-Remolar
Macau University of Science and Technology, China
Research Interests: geobiology; paleobiology; astrobiology; planetary sciences; Precambrian paleontology
Dr. Sandor Gulyas
University of Szeged, Hungary
Research Interests: geology; paleobiology; geoarchaeology; geometric morphometrics
Dr. Xuanmei Fan
Chengdu University of Technology, China
Research Interests: mechanism and prediction of geohazard; earthquake and climate change induced geological hazards; landslide risk assessment and early warning; application of AI, RS and GIS in earth science
Dr. Michele Paternoster
University of Basilicata, Italy
Research Interests: water-gas-rock interaction processes; environmental geochemistry; stable isotope geochemistry; fluid geochemistry in volcanic and seismic areas; noble gases geochemistry
Dr. Yazhou Yang
National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: planetary geology; reflectance spectroscopy; space weathering; remote sensing; the Moon; thermal emission
Dr. Daniele Fulvio
INAF–Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania, Italy
Research Interests: planetary sciences; laboratory astrophysics; experimental astrochemistry; experimental astrobiology; instrumentation, methods and techniques
Prof. Dr. Chengmin Zhang
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: astrophysics and gravitational field; astronomical binary systems; astronomical magnetic field; magnetosphere; weightlessness environments on space station; gravity and tidal effect in earth-moon system; earthquake physics; pulsar-planet system; neutron star astrophysics
Prof. Dr. Xiaojun Xu
Macau University of Science and Technology, China
Research Interests: space physics; planetary space physics; planetary space environment; lunar space environment; planetary magnetosphere; planetary ionosphere
Dr. Armel Zacharie Ekoa Bessa
University of Yaounde I, Cameroon
Research Interests: mineralogy, geochemistry, earth and environmental sciences; sedimentology
Dr. Chi Pui Tang
Macau University of Science and Technology, China
Research Interests: first-principles calculation; density functional theory; cosmochemistry; meteorite; computational chemistry
Prof. Dr. Lidong Dai
Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Research Interests: synchrotron X-ray diffraction; electrical conductivity; high temperature and high pressure; physics and chemistry of Earth and other planetary interior; multi-anvil high-pressure press; diamond anvil cell