About Us

The Nan Yang Academy of Sciences (NASS) is strategically located in multicultural Singapore, an energetic and prosperous city state set amidst lush greenery. The focus of NASS is to promote a platform for the exchange of academic achievements by gathering global scientific institutes, experts and scholars in various fields. By encouraging the transformation and application of theoretical scientific research into reality, and promoting the economic impetus, NASS seeks to enhance interactive cooperation across borders for the ultimate aim of improving society and overall standards of living.

Nanyang Academy of Sciences has a strong comprehensive strength with multiple programs in publishing, research and funds, operating independently of each other and cross-collaborating too. It has signed over 300 professors, experts and academicians worldwide, proving strong support for long-term good development.

We have sighed several top experts all over the world serving as editors-in-chief, associate editors-in-chief and editorial board members. We strictly adhere to ethical publishing standards and operational procedures to ensure the high-quality publication of our journals. We have a team of editors who have worked in the publishing industry for many years and have extensive experience in analyzing journal policies and industry developments.

We will take every article seriously with high standards and strict requirements, and make our best efforts for the development of the publishing industry and science.