Welcome to be our Guest Editors!


Sustainable Marine Structures is seeking potential guest editors, whether this is your first editorial experience or you already have excellent organizational experience. Our editorial team will be on hand to support you and make your experience more positive. We hope to increase the visibility of SMS while being able to publish research that provides leading momentum on a variety of topical issues in sustainable ocean research. We look forward to hearing from qualified researchers who are interested in this exciting opportunity to contribute to the field of sustainable ocean structures.

You can become a Guest Editor in two ways:

  1. Received a contribution invitation (Topics suggested by the Editors and Editorial Board Members, and you are an acknowledged expert on a particular topic).
  2. Submit a proposal for a special issue to our journal (In addition to a topic suggested by the Editor-in-Chief or Editorial Board Members, you may also propose any theme for a Special Issue that fits the scope of the journal).

Those wishing to guest edit a Special Issue should submit a proposal to the editorial office at: Nass-sms@nassg.org.