Economic Effects of Using Improved Maize Varieties, Inorganic Fertilizer and Goat Manure in Smallholder Farms: Evidence from Field Evaluations in Southern Ghana

Esther Marfo-Ahenkora

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Animal Research Institute, Achimota, Accra P.O. Box AH 20, Ghana; Department of Crop Science, School of Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, University of Cape Coast, P.M.B, University Post Office, Cape Coast, Ghana

Godwin Y. Ameleke

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Animal Research Institute, Achimota, Accra P.O. Box AH 20, Ghana

Kingsley J. Taah

Department of Crop Science, School of Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, University of Cape Coast, P.M.B, University Post Office, Cape Coast, Ghana

Elvis Asare-Bediako

Department of Crop Science, School of Agriculture, College of Agriculture and Natural Sciences, University of Cape Coast, P.M.B, University Post Office, Cape Coast, Ghana; University of Energy and Natural Resources, Sunyani P.O. Box 214, Ghana

Charles Y.F. Domozoro

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) – Animal Research Institute, Achimota, Accra P.O. Box AH 20, Ghana


Received: 2 October 2024 | Revised: 26 November 2024 | Accepted: 28 November 2024 | Published Online: 19 December 2024

Copyright © 2024 Esther Marfo-Ahenkora, Godwin Y. Ameleke, Kingsley J. Taah, Elvis Asare-Bediako, Charles Y.F. Domozoro. Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd.

Creative Commons LicenseThis is an open access article under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) License.


Maize is a key cereal which contributes to food security with an ever-growing demand in Africa. Therefore, production must be continuously increased to meet demand.  One way to achieve increased production is to use improved varieties and soil amendments to enhance productivity. However, the usage of these inputs is low in sub-Saharan Africa including Ghana. To contribute to the literature on the economics of applying soil amendments, especially from season to season, on-farm trials were undertaken in the coastal savannah and semi-deciduous forest zones of Ghana to demonstrate profitability of adopting improved maize varieties and soil amendments. Partial budgeting techniques were employed to compute net benefits and marginal rates of return resulting from a shift in strategy from farmer practice to the use of improved maize varieties and soil amendments.  Significantly higher yields were obtained with the improved technologies. Maize plants on the sole inorganic fertilizer had significantly (P < 0.05) higher grain yields for all varieties in the two agro-ecological zones in the major season. In the minor season however, grain yields of maize on the combined treatment of inorganic fertilizer + goat manure was significantly (P< 0.05) higher than the rest of the soil amendments for all varieties in both agro-ecological zone. The fertilizer + manure combination yielded the highest net income in both the major and minor seasons. The marginal rates of return for the shift from farmer practice to soil amendments were highest for the fertilizer + manure combination, irrespective of the maize variety and agro-ecological zone. However, the marginal rates of return were minimal for the local maize variety (landrace). In the minor rainy season, net benefit was greater with soil amendment application than with reliance on residual nutrients from the previous season. Thus, residual soil amendment effects alone cannot sustain maize yields and profitability- soil amendments need to be applied continuously.

Keywords: Economic Analysis; Ghana; Maize; Marginal Rate of Return; Partial Budgeting; Soil Amendments


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Online ISSN: 2737-4785, Print ISSN: 2737-4777, Published by Nan Yang Academy of Sciences Pte. Ltd.