The Influence of Storage Conditions on the Microbial Quality of Daucus carots (Carrots) and Capsicum annuum (Green Pepper)

Omorodion Nnenna Jennifer.P

Department of Microbiology University of Port Harcourt P.M.B 5323 Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria.

Oge, Lilian

Department of Microbiology University of Port Harcourt P.M.B 5323 Port Harcourt Rivers State Nigeria.


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The influence of different storage conditions on the microbial quality carrot (Daucus carots) and green pepper (Capsicum annuum) was determined using standard microbiological method from day zero to day ten. Total bacteria count for carrot stored at room temperature ranged from Log10Cfu/g 3.22 to 7.45 and for carrot stored at refrigeration temperature ranged from Log10 Cfu/g 2.13 - 3.14. Total bacteria count for green pepper stored at room temperature ranged from Log10Cfu/g 4.22 to 7.45 and for green pepper stored at room temperature ranged from 1.12 to 4.14 for refrigeration temperature. Bacteria isolated includes E.colI (4%), Bacillussp. (8%), Pseudomonas (16%), Proteus vulgaris (4%), Staphylococcus sp. (28%), Klebsiella (8%), Salmonella (12%), Micrococcus sp. (12%) and Acinetobacter (8%). Fungal count for carrot at room temperature ranged from Log10 2.22 to 2.54 Cfu/g and 2.01 to 2.34 Cfu/g for refrigeration temperature. Fungal count for green pepper at room temperature ranged from Log10 Cfu/g 3.02 to and 7.45, Log101.81 Cfu/g to 3.34 for refrigerationtemperature. Fungal isolated includes Penicillium (33.3%), Aspergillus (53.3%), and Candida (13.4%). Proximate composition indicates that moisture, ash, carbohydrates, lipid and fibre are lower at room temperature compared to refrigeration temperature. Temperature and storage duration have been said to affect the content of fruits and vegetables, therefore constant temperature and appropriate storage condition should be maintained.

Keywords: Storage conditions; Microbial quality; Proximate composition; Carrot and green pepper


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