Effects of Green Silver Nanoparticles on Soil Quality and Induced Germination: A Future Alternative Fertilizer or Environmental Toxicant?
Pallabi Das
Soil and Agro Bio-engineering Lab, Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, Tezpur-784 028, India
Chaitali Roy Chowdhuri
Soil and Agro Bio-engineering Lab, Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, Tezpur-784 028, India
Soil and Agro Bio-engineering Lab, Department of Environmental Science, Tezpur University, Tezpur-784 028, India
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36956/njas.v1i1.8
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Silver nanoparticles (AgNP) synthesized from It influenced the inherent soil properties like bulk density (BD), water holding capacity (WHC), available N, P, K, urease, phosphatase activity and TOC. The apparent increment WHC, N, P, K, urease, and phosphatase in soil were observed whereas reduction of BD was noticed. Due to application of nanosolutions the pH of the soil shifted towards neutrality from 0 to 60 days. Moreover, they also did not have any toxicity upon plant as well as earthworm ecosystem.Keywords: AgNP; Soil property; Phytotoxicity; Earthworm
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