Effect of Different Levels of Water Soluble Phosphorus in Complex Fertilizers on Crop Productivity and Soil Health
D. V. Bhagat
Research & Development Dept., Bio-Agro Research, RCF Ltd., Chembur, Mumbai-400074
S. N. Gawade
Research & Development Dept., Bio-Agro Research, RCF Ltd., Chembur, Mumbai-400074
Research & Development Dept., Bio-Agro Research, RCF Ltd., Chembur, Mumbai-400074
A. P. Kale
Research & Development Dept., Bio-Agro Research, RCF Ltd., Chembur, Mumbai-400074
J. A. Shaikh
Research & Development Dept., Bio-Agro Research, RCF Ltd., Chembur, Mumbai-400074
P Banik
Agriculture and Ecological Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata 700 108 (WB)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.36956/njas.v1i1.10
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Field experiments were undertaken on sandy soils with three cropping systems at Giridih, Jharkhand, India for two years during 2012-2014. The experiments were executed in split plot design by assigning water soluble phosphorus (WSP) fertilizers in main-plot and recommended dose of phosphorus (RDP) in sub-plot with three replications. The maximum economical yield of rice (4705 kg/ha), baby corn (842 kg/ha) and Chickpea (920 kg/ha) were recorded with the application of 30% WSP. The maximum economical yield of successive crops - wheat (3185 kg/ha), mustard (1720 kg/ha) and groundnut (1578 kg/ha) were recorded with the application of 30% WSP and 100% RDP treatment. Almost similar trends were noticed in terms of by-product yield, nutrient uptake and residual soil fertility status. All the levels of WSP (30% - 89%) in complex fertilizers were found to be equally effective for grain yield, straw yield, nutrient uptake, and residual soil fertility.Keywords: Water soluble phosphorus; Nitrophosphates; Cropping system; Yield; Soil fertility; Nutrient uptake
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